My sculptures have grown out of light sculpture techniques. Discards from nature, the second hand store and kitchen/garden — pods, doilies, tea bags, garlic stems — feed my imagination. There is an excitement in discovering ways to put disparate things together that give voice and structure to my ideas and concerns.
'Life Raft", mixed media, 8x8x2, 2016
"Air Lift", mixed media, 12x10, 2020
"Caged", mixed media, 5x4x3, 2020
"Desperate Journey", mixed media, 21x8x9, 2016
"Escaping", mixed media, 13x12, 2020
"Guardian", mixed media, 11x4x3, 2016
"Heading North", mixed media, 30x18x4, 2016 (sold)
"Held", mixed media, 6x6x4, 2020
"Hold Us", mixed media, 8x5x4, 2016 (sold)
"In Danger", mixed media, 9x7x5, 2016
"Journey", mixed media, 9x14, 2020
"No Refuge", mixed media, 10x13x4, 2016
"No Refuge", detail
"No way out", mixed media, 6x6x4, 2016
"Sheltered on Wings", mixed media, 18x18, 2020
"Struggle under the Stars", mixed media, 11x16, 2020
"Struggle under the Stars", detail
"Together en route", mixed media, 8x8, 2020
"Waiting", mixed media, 30x18x4, 2016 (sold)